
Do You Us Companies Providing Services In Indonesia Charge Vat

Pajak Pertambahan Nilai – PPN is usually imposed on the sale of goods or services that occurs on consumption by the individual, corporate, and government taxpayers.

Overview of Value-added Tax (Pajak Pertambahan Nilai – PPN)

Indonesia nevertheless used the ex-colonial revenue enhancement system since the pre-independence era before 1951. To eliminate the remnants of colonialism in Republic of indonesia, the Emergency Police of 1951 issued a Sales Tax, ordinarily known as Value-Added Taxation (VAT or Pajak Pertambahan Nilai – PPN).

The imposition of PPN in Indonesia just lasted until 1983 due to the double revenue enhancement of VAT. Many elements of tax were replaced and added to the Tax Reform. Ane of which was changing the imposition of Sales Taxation to Value-Added Tax (Pajak Pertambahan Nilai – PPN).

The term PPN comes from the English discussion  Value Added Revenue enhancement. In Indonesian Bahasa, information technology is called Pajak Pertambahan Nilai (PPN). Originally this term comes from the French Taxe Sur la Valuer Ajoutée (TVA).

What Is Value-added Tax (Pajak Pertambahan Nilai – PPN) in Indonesia?

Pajak Pertambahan Nilai – PPN is usually imposed on the sale of appurtenances or services that occurs on consumption by the individual, corporate, and government taxpayers. However, entities or individuals of these products and services do not need to pay straight to the country, just the obligation to pay falls on the withholding tax.

This Value Added Tax (PPN) is imposed and paid straight by the Taxable Entrepreneur(PKP), but the charge is given to the stop consumer. Every PKP is required to accuse, eolith, and written report VAT payable.

What Is Law Regulating VAT?

To the Value-added Tax (Pajak Pertambahan Nilai – PPN) Law in Indonesia, there have been three changes. Due to differences in revenue enhancement drove laws and models and regulations, these changes occur so that they tin can be simpler and more equitable for the customs.

Below mentioned are the changes to the VAT Police force in Republic of indonesia

Law Regulating PPN
Law Regulating VAT

What Are VAT (Pajak Pertambahan Nilai – PPN) Objects?

Beneath mentioned are the Value Added Tax (PPN) for Goods or Services,

What Is The Basis for Imposing VAT Tax?

To calculate Value Added Taxation(PPN), the value used as the Taxation Imposition Base (DPP) consists of:

  1. Selling Cost:  Selling Cost is the value in the course of money, that includes all costs due to the delivery of Taxable Goods requested by the seller
  2. Replacement: This is a value in the form of coin, including all costs, which should be requested by entrepreneurs due to the delivery of Taxable Services, the consign of Taxable Services, or the trading of Intangible Taxable Goods.
  3. Import Value: Import Value is the money used as the ground for calculating Import Duty plus levies based on the provisions in the statutory regulations concerning community and excise for the import of Taxable Goods.
  4. Export Value: Export value is the money or toll demanded past the exporter.
  5. Other Value: This is the value which is regulated by the Minister of Finance in the grade of money, stipulated every bit Tax Imposition Base.

What Are The Types of Value-added Taxes (Pajak Pertambahan Nilai – PPN) and Rates

At that place are 3 types of PPN taxes:

  1. Standard Type: 10%
  2. Zero Rated - 0%
  3. Exempted - 0%

1. 10% Standard Type- ( All other taxable goods and services- full general Rate For domestic delivery)

  • The goods which are delivered by taxable organizations.
  • Providing taxable services to the accounts of taxable goods
  • Usage of intangible taxable goods delivered from outside Indonesia
  • Utilization of foreign taxable services.
  • The distribution of export services and fixed assets an organization.

2. 0% Zero-rated - ( Exports of goods and services)

Freight forwarding related to exported goods, outside the Community Area manufacturing, maintenance, repair, and movable goods, building plans exterior the Customs Area, Building construction consulting, enquiry and development services, and applied science and information.

  • Rental services on transportation in the form of rental of aircraft and shipping activities
  • Management and business consulting services, legal consulting services, interior/Architecture design, homo resources services, engineering services, marketing services, accounting services, financial audit, and Revenue enhancement related services.

3. Exempted : 0% (Non Taxable)

Non Taxable means here VAT not collected (deliveries of goods to a bonded zone; and deliveries of goods and services to a gratuitous trade zone).

VAT Free means where certain goods and services that are non subject to VAT. E.yard., products are taken directly from their sources similar crude oil, natural gas, coal, financial services like banking, insurance, and finance leasing. Hotels, restaurants, and entertainment are not subject to Value Added Revenue enhancement— instead, they are subject to local taxes, which is not a creditable revenue enhancement.

How to Calculate VAT?

The Value Added Tax(PPN) payable is calculated by multiplying the taxation rate with the Taxation Imposition Base (DPP).

Formula: VAT = VAT Charge per unit x Tax Imposition Base of operations (DPP)

To understand the Value Added Tax in Indonesia clearly, below mentioned is an instance of how to calculate the Tax:

A Taxable Entrepreneur(PKP), named Shabby sells taxable goods in cash at a selling price of IDR 25,000,000.

Value Added Taxation payable = 10% x IDR 25,000,000 = IDR 2,500,000

The VAT amounting to Rp2,500,000 is the Output Taxation collected by the Shabby Taxable Entrepreneur.

Nomor Pendaftaran Wajib Pajak (NPWP) Number

What Is Nomor Pendaftaran Wajib Pajak (NPWP) Number?

Nomor Pendaftaran Wajib Pajak (NPWP) idue south a 15 digit Identification Tax Number given by the Tax Function to be possessed by all mandatory taxes who receive income in Republic of indonesia, post-obit the provisions of the legislation taxation.

NPWP must be endemic by Indonesian citizens, both individuals and business entities. This NPWP is used every bit a means of tax assistants or a reference for paying taxes, equally well as a requirement for several public services, such as applying for credit, making passports, and so on.

.Likewise, this regulation includes ex-pats. As per the tax role, all ex-pats living in Republic of indonesia need to register with the tax authorities to go their own split NPWP tax number. NPWP number is required to pay monthly income taxes, file almanac taxes, and pay taxes on the income earned outside Indonesia.

Different Types of NPWP

Personal NPWP: This number is owned by every individual or everyone who has income in Republic of indonesia.

Agency NPWP: This number is owned by every entity or company that has income in Republic of indonesia.

You lot just have a Personal NPWP if yous are an employee. However, you must take both a Personal NPWP that belongs to you lot, and a Corporate NPWP that belongs to your visitor if you lot are a business owner, entrepreneur, or investor.

What Is NPWP Number Construction?

Each NPWP contains 15 digit numbers. The first ix digits represent the taxpayer code, while the next vi digits represent the administrative code.

  • In the first 2 digits, 01 to 03 means a corporate taxpayer, 04 and 06 means an employer taxpayer, 05 means an employee taxpayer, 07 to 09 means a personal taxpayer.
  • The next 6 digits are the registration or serial number provided past the Head Office of the Directorate General of Taxes to the Tax Service Role.
  • The next 1 digit is a security tool to avoid forgery or errors in the NPWP
  • The side by side three digits are the code for the Revenue enhancement Service Role
  • The last 3 digits represent the taxpayer status
Nomor Pendaftaran Wajib Pajak (NPWP)
NPWP number structure

Who Is Required to Annals for the NPWP Taxation Number?

  • Employed individuals who earn more than the non-taxable income,
  • Individuals who are employed and earn income exterior of their gross salary,
  • Individuals who receive income from self-employment, business activities.
  • Individual taxpayers who receive income from majuscule
  • Ex-pats who stay or are nowadays in Indonesia for more than than 183 days within a unmarried period of 12 months or are already present in Indonesia accept the intention to alive in Republic of indonesia.
  • Yous may not be eligible to pay the Indonesian income tax if you have stayed less than 183 days.
  • In the husband's tax number dependent spouses are included, and are not provided with unlike tax numbers.

Where to Annals for NPWP?

All individuals residing in Republic of indonesia should have their own personal taxation numbers, or NPWP as per the Indonesian revenue enhancement office((Direktorat Jenderal Pajak). All taxpayers must annals at the Tax Service Office in the city of your residence.

Ex-pats are required to register with the Tax Office for Strange Bodies and Expatriates (KPP BADORA), who are staying in Dki jakarta and obtain their NPWP number. Information technology helps them pay their monthly income taxes, file annual tax returns, and pay taxes on their less Revenue enhancement paid in other jurisdictions on the boosted overseas income earned outside Indonesia.

What Are the Documents Required for NPWP Registration?

Following are the documents required for registration

  • Completely filled registration form
  • Passport first page Xerox and KITAS stamp on it
  • Photocopy of work let(IMTA)
  • Domicile certificate of you and your employer
  • Photograph of employer NPWP
  • Potency letter of the alphabet for authorizing your representative to handle and register all your tax matters.

    Subsequently the registration, you will receive your taxation number (NPWP) inside v working days. You lot will need this number later for the yearly taxation study.

What is The Penalty for not Registering for NPWP Failure to Register?

As per the regulations, failure to register an NPWP number could lead to jail for a maximum of 6 years and a maximum fine of four times to the total amount of taxation due.

NPWP Number Under Deskera Books

Using Deskera Books all the business entity owners have an option to define their company's NPWP taxation registration number, which is required for paying taxes to the Indonesian Regime.

Deskera Books
NPWP Number under Deskera Books

Indonesia Value Added Tax (Pajak Pertambahan Nilai – PPN) Registration

I of the biggest business concerns is when they set a company in Indonesia, and is ensuring that they attach to the correct working practices. That means paying the proper taxes and VAT.

Indonesia PPn Registration
PPn Registration

In Republic of indonesia, VAT (Pajak Pertambahan Nilai – PPN) is a revenue enhancement on the auction of specific goods and services, paid to the Indonesian tax authorities. When discussing visitor registration in Republic of indonesia, as a business organization owner, y'all need to consider the benefits you might gain and the responsibilities yous volition have for registering your company with VAT liabilities.

When Should Yous Register for VAT Liabilities in Indonesia?

In Republic of indonesia you need to annals your company as VAT-liable if yous have yearly revenue of IDR 4.8 billion (The states$360,000), particularly when the majority of your annual revenue comes from other organizations.

For companies whose annual  acquirement is not more than IDR 4.8 billion,  can choose to register as a VAT-liable company.

More often than not, within Indonesia, Value-added Tax (Pajak Pertambahan Nilai – PPN) is a revenue enhancement imposed on most goods and services. 10% is the standard rate; yet, nether the Indonesian Regulations, some goods and services are charged at different rates ranging from 5 – fifteen%.

When Is VAT Implemented?

You will need to pay Value-added Taxation (Pajak Pertambahan Nilai – PPN) for below items if your company is registered every bit VAT-liable

  • Importing taxable goods
  • Delivering taxable appurtenances and services
  • Utilizing intangible goods from abroad
  • Exporting tangible and intangible appurtenances and services

Which Are the Goods and Services Exempt from VAT in Indonesia?

In Republic of indonesia some products and services tin take VAT exemption with the incentives provided by the regime

  • Financial Services
  • Medical Services
  • Food/drinks catering and services at hotels, restaurants, cafes, and others
  • Insurance products and services
  • Educational services
  • Hotel and recreational services
  • Workforce and human resource services
  • Social services
  • Aureate

If you sell all goods and services that are exempted, your business is exempt, and you cannot register for Value Added Taxation(Pajak Pertambahan Nilai – PPN) in Indonesia. Hence, you cannot repossess VAT on your business organization purchases or expenses.

What Is the Process to Register a Visitor with VAT Liabilities in Indonesia?

In Indonesia, if your business conducts a relatively large amount of transactions regularly, with VAT liabilities it volition exist helpful for y'all to register your visitor.

To register as a VAT-liable company in Republic of indonesia does not take much time; however, the procedure is not very straightforward. This process depends on the cess by authorities, and it is subject to their approval. For example, a field check is one of the requirements.

VAT Registration Process
Process to register VAT in Indonesia

What Are the Steps for Registration?

Step 1: Application Submission

  • Prepare complete copies of your visitor documents.
  • Once one of the directors apply for the work and stay allow KITAS, then only south/he can proceed to obtain the Tax number or NPWP (Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak) in Indonesia. Another choice is by appointing an Indonesian director.
  • Your company must already be operating. At this signal you will also prove by paying withholding taxes on the function rental payments. Keep in heed that an application showing that you are registered into a virtual office is allowed every bit long as: The tax say-so in that area allows it, and you can bear witness an alternative operational office.

Pace 2: Site Verification

  • A taxation officeholder volition visit your company at any fourth dimension betwixt 7 and 12 days to verify the information submitted later your awarding is submitted and candy.
  • Make sure y'all need to take someone to meet the officer when s/he comes by. Failure to meet the tax officer will result in an unsuccessful application.

Pace 3: Approval or Declining of Application submitted

  • Later the officeholder has visited your company, The final conclusion is fabricated the latest after five working days.
  • You will receive a confirmation prescript if approved, that you are at present a VAT-registered company. To employ the online Value Added Revenue enhancement (Pajak Pertambahan Nilai – PPN) system, yous tin can at present make use of this access code on the decree.
  • You will receive a rejection letter if your awarding is rejected.

Step iv: Visit the Tax Office by the Managing director'due south

  • You, equally a director, are obliged to physically pay a visit to the tax office once yous accept received the blessing decree.
  • Yous will create your VAT login username and password during the visit.

Value Added Revenue enhancement (Pajak Pertambahan Nilai – PPN- eastward-filing)

For any business concern owner or business concern as a taxpayer (WP), are indeed obliged to pay taxes to the state. Still, apart from beingness obliged to pay taxes, they should also report the taxes that they have paid. The instrument used for your business tax reporting is a tax return or commonly abbreviated as SPT.

VAT e-filing
PPN due east-filing

Every bit per the Minister of Finance Regulation number 243 / PMK.03 / 2014, SPT Masa is SPT for a Monthly/ period tax. Meanwhile, the Almanac SPT is the  SPT for a tax year or part of a taxation twelvemonth. The SPT course has a standard format. The format of the forms is different for the Annual SPT and Periodic SPT and is adjusted to their respective functions.

How to Study Periodic/Monthly SPT (e-Filing PPN)?

In Indonesia, Periodic/Monthly Value-added Taxation (Pajak Pertambahan Nilai – PPN) SPT, which is a Value Added Tax written report form that is completed and reported by a Taxable Entrepreneur (PKP). This report is usually submitted every calendar month(Monthly report).

To report the calculation of the amount of tax both for reporting Pajak Pertambahan Nilai – PPN (VAT) and luxury sales revenue enhancement (PPnBM) payable, SPT Masa VAT is a form that is used by corporate taxpayers.

The function of the Periodic VAT SPT is in add-on to reporting revenue enhancement payments or settlements. Still, information technology tin also be used to report assets and liabilities also as tax payments from cutters or collectors.

What Are the Steps to Report Periodic SPT e-filing?

Taxable Entrepreneur (PKP) is obliged to report the accumulative VAT collection to the Advisers General of Taxes (DJP).

PKP must fill up out a Monthly SPT or Periodic VAT SPT in reporting to the DGT, namely a Taxation Render to study Value Added Tax (Pajak Pertambahan Nilai – PPN) withheld or collected every calendar month. With the due east-filing application, this SPT can be reported online via the DGT Online page.

Below are the steps to know more about how to report SPT Periodic

SPT  Periodic Filing process
 Steps to report SPT Periodic

Which Is the Primary Form and Attachment for Periodic VAT SPT?

For render filing, the form currently used is SPT Masa VAT 1111, which consists of i main course and six other attachment forms. The periodic Value Added Tax (Pajak Pertambahan Nilai – PPN) SPT can be found in the OnlinePajak application.

 SPT Masa VAT 1111
Master class of SPT Periodic class

What Are The Penalties for Delay in Submitting SPT?

If the Taxation Render (SPT) is not submitted within the specific time menstruum, it volition exist subject to administrative penalties equally below,

SPT late submission penalties
Penalties for delay in submitting SPT

What Is an Annual Revenue enhancement Return?

Almanac Tax Return is an instrument that has a similar part to a periodic tax return. However, the difference is that the Almanac Revenue enhancement Render must be reported annually, or at the end of the tax year. In that location are two categories of Annual SPT, namely, Individual Annual Tax Return (OP) and Corporate Annual Tax Render.

The Almanac Corporate Tax Return uses but i type of course, namely the 1771 Annual SPT, and the Individual Almanac SPT is divided into 3 types of forms, Annual SPT 1770, SPT 1770 S, and SPT 1770 SS.

Below are the differences between these three types of forms,

 types of annual tax return forms
Different types of almanac revenue enhancement return forms

What Is the Time Limit for Submitting Annual Tax Return

The time limit for reporting of the Annual Personal Taxation Return is 3 months after the cease of the temporary Tax Period. The reporting of the Annual Corporate Tax Return is a maximum of 4 months after the cease of the Tax Period.

What Is Input VAT and Output VAT Reports?

In that location are 2 types of Value Added Tax that yous should know about, namely Input VAT and Output VAT. Input VAT is charged when PKP purchases, obtains, or manufactures products. Conversely, Output VAT is charged when PKP sells products.

What Is The Input VAT?

The tax that has been collected past PKP at the time of Purchasing Taxable Goods / Services (BKP / JKP) inside a specific tax period is known as Input VAT.

To calculate the remaining tax payable Input Tax tin be used as a Taxation Credit. Input VAT tin can also exist referred to in English as VAT in (Value Added Revenue enhancement In).

In short, for business owners as PKP purchases goods, then the appurtenances have an chemical element of VAT, then for the business owners it becomes Input Tax for the business owner.

What Is the Output VAT?

When PKP sells taxable goods/services inside a item tax period, the Output VAT is a taxation that will be collected. For every business owner who has become a PKP is required to impose a revenue enhancement on the goods/services it sells. Output tax is also often referred to as VAT Out (Value Added Tax Out).

PKP must summate the corporeality of VAT Output which is so paid to the Taxation Function at the end of the year. Within the same revenue enhancement period, if PKP has an Input Tax residuum, the balance tin be credited (deducted) from the amount of output VAT.

Payable VAT = Output VAT - Input VAT

If the value of Output VAT is greater than Input VAT, information technology is called Underpayment, and the amount must be deposited and reported to the Tax Office.

Using Deskera Books You Can File Following Two VAT Reports

  1. PPN Masukan (VAT In)
  2. PPN Keluaran (VAT Out)
Indonesia PPN Masukan (VAT In) and PPN Masukan (VAT OUT) reports on Deskera Books
PPN Masukan (VAT In) and PPN Masukan (VAT OUT) reports on Deskera Books

Any VAT registered business organization, has to submit VAT In & Out study to the Onlinepajak of Indonesia by each month to declare the sale of goods and services to the customers and Purchases from a Value Added Taxregistered or Unregistered businesses. The VAT collected and VAT has to be filed for the relevant accounting period.

1. PPN Masukan (VAT In) Reports

You can view the Total DPP Amount, Total PPM Corporeality,, PPBN Amount,Tax creditable corporeality if applicable. The amount reflected is based on Purchase invoices y'all take created in the Buy Tab.

Indonesia PPN Masukan (VAT In) and PPN Masukan (VAT OUT) reports on Deskera Books
PPN Masukan (VAT In) on Deskera Books

Export Report: Y'all can export the VAT IN report in Excel format required for further submitting to Onlinepajak Indonesia.

2. PPN Keluaran (VAT Out)

This report is divided into two sections LT and OF

  • Nether the LT department, all Tax registration related details of your visitor will be displayed similar NPWP number, Address, Customer Proper name and other data equally filled in while creating a new customer sales order.
  • Under OF Section details related to Product volition exist displayed like product name, full quantity, the toll per unit, Full Cost of the Production, Discount, the corporeality before Tax, VAT amount. The amount reflected is based on selling invoices you accept created in the sell Tab.
Indonesia PPN Masukan (VAT OUT) reports on Deskera Books
PPN Masukan (VAT OUT) reports on Deskera Books

Consign Report: You lot can export the VAT OUT report in Excel format required for further submitting to Onlinepajak Indonesia

What Is Withholding Tax in Indonesia?

There are different types of taxes applicative to various types of income in Indonesia. Through a arrangement of withholding taxes, The Indonesian tax is mainly collected. The payer is normally held responsible for withholding or collection of the revenue enhancement where a particular particular of income is based to withholding tax.

Withholding Tax -Indonesia
Indonesia Withholding Tax

In Indonesia, using the relevant Commodity of the Income Tax (Pajak Penghasilan/PPh) Law, these withholding taxes are commonly referred to various types of withholding taxation(PPh) applied equally mentioned beneath.

Withholding Tax Article 21

From the salaries payable to the employees and pay the tax to the State Treasury on their behalf employers are required to withhold PPh 21. The revenue enhancement is applicative to other payments to non-employee individuals with the same withholding taxation (due east.m., fees payable to service providers or private consultants). Without an NPWP, the resident individuals are bailiwick to a surcharge of 20% in improver to the standard withholding taxation.

Withholding Taxation Article 22

On certain business entities which carry out consign, import and re-import trading activities, these taxes are imposed, both Government and private which will exist charged at the end of the yr. And this instalment will exist calculated as a taxation credit of corporate income tax and personal income tax.

Below are the transactions that are bailiwick to PPh 22 are as follows:

  1. Import of customer goods
  2. Purchase of good by the Regime
  3. Purchase of appurtenances by State-owned enterprises
  4. Purchase of oil fuel
  5. Purchase of the paper production
  6. Purchase of steel products
  7. The purchase of automotive products
  8. Purchase of pharmaceutical products

Withholding Tax Article 24

The PPh 23 are subject area to certain types of income paid or payable to resident taxpayers at a charge per unit of 2% or 15% of the gross amount,

A) Below are the Withholding tax 23 due at a charge per unit of 15% of the gross amounts,
  1. Dividends
  2. Interest, including discounts, premiums & loan fees guarantee
  3. Royalties
  4. Awards and Prizes
B) Below are the withholding taxation 23 is due at a rate of 2% of the gross amounts on the fees,
  1. Avails rental other than land and buildings;
  2. Bounty concerning management services, consultation services, technical services, and other services, equally referred to Article 21, except those who have been withheld from Income Tax.

Withholding Taxation Article 26

Organizations, representatives of strange companies and resident taxpayers are required to withhold 20% taxation rate to non-residents from below payments,

A) On gross amount:
  1. Dividends, interest, including discounts, fees guarantee and premiums,
  2. Payments for the utilise of assets, royalties and rents
  3. Activities, piece of work and fees for services
  4. Awards and Prizes
  5. Whatsoever other periodic payments and pensions
  6. Other hedging transactions and swap premiums
  7. Debt write-offs Gains
B) Existence specified of the gross amount pct of certain types of payments on Estimated Net Income (ENI)

The withholding taxation rates may be exempted or reduced where the recipient is resident in Indonesia which has a revenue enhancement treaty.

What Are the Withholding Tax Types and Rates?

Beneath mentioned are the Republic of indonesia Withhold tax rates for Resident & Non-resident recipients every bit per Commodity 23 (PPH23).
Withhold tax rates for Resident & Non-resident recipients (PPH23).
Withhold tax rates for Resident & Non-resident recipients as per Article 23 (PPH23).
Beneath is the Withholding Tax Rates for Indonesia for Resident taxpayers

Strange companies, organizations and appointed individuals are required to withhold last Taxation from the post-obit gross payments to resident taxpayers and Pes:

Withholding Tax rated for Indonesia Resident taxpayers in Indonesia
Withholding Tax rated for Indonesia Resident taxpayers

What Is the Excise Policy in Republic of indonesia?

Excise policy in Indonesia is mandatorily imposed on certain goods that take sure aspects, such as cigarettes, e-cigarettes, alcohol, and other tobacco and alcohol-related products. The Ministry of Finance is responsible for the collection of these excise in Indonesia, Directorate General of Customs and Excise.

How To Map Excise Tax Using Deskera Books:

Using Deskera Books, you are able to map excise tax for goods and services with ease while creating a New Product, Sales Invoice and Purchase Invoice.

Below mentioned are the modules where Excise Tax is applicable under Deskera Books


Excise Tax applicable while creating a product  in Deskera Books
‌‌ Excise Tax applicable while creating a product

Sales Invoice / Buy Invoice

Sales Invoice/ Purchase Invoice with Excise Tax applicable
Sales Invoice/ Purchase Invoice with Excise Tax applicable in Deskera Books
  • With Deskera Books While creating a sales invoice/ quote, the excise rate will exist captured from the Product you lot have created. The Excise tax will exist calculated before VAT is calculated on the Production, and this excise amount will be credited to the sales invoice.
  • Similarly, if orders of excisable goods are created and then too calculate Excise tax in Guild will be calculated.
  • While creating a Purchase Invoice for any type of appurtenances for manufacturing from overseas Vendors, the system will capture the Rate of Excise from Selected product master. The excise revenue enhancement will be calculated before the VAT calculation. This Excise amount will get debited in the purchase invoice.

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Do You Us Companies Providing Services In Indonesia Charge Vat,


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